Friday, 28 June 2013

Someone to watch over me.

Even though I am terminally ill, I consider myself very fortunate to have my wife caring for me.
Her selfless dedication moved up a gear immediately following my Alzheimer diagnosis. Not once has she been overwhelmed or shown any self pity for inheriting the awful sentence of ongoing self sacrifice  and drudgery brought about through my illness. Nether does she have any illusions of what lies ahead for both of us, as I continue my journey.
There are many other Alzheimer Pilgrims in similar situations throughout the world, all reliant on personal care from guardian angels. All striving to give love, support, comfort and solace to their charges. Without these men, women,carers and family members, our quality of life would  be completely intolerable. We the victims of this dreaded disease salute you all.
I dedicate this humble verse to all of the guardian angels.

'Someone to watch over me.'

'Reality ceased when told my brain was dying,
fear and dread joined in partnership to replace hope and optimism,
all thoughts of future happiness came crashing,
the foggy curtain of mixed emotions denies the scale most awesome,
selfish thoughts do conspire to survive these events most daunting,
I look to gather armour and support from within the caring familial sanctum,
the all encompassing and reassuring comfort of having,
Someone to watch over me.'

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