Friday 14 June 2013


People with Alzheimer's may have personality changes, such as poor impulse control and judgment, distrust, increased stubbornness, and restlessness.
I have undergone all of the above in the last year or so.
Impulsive behaviour and poor judgement has resulted in my wife taking control of my finances and in particular my credit cards. I have had to curtail impulse buying on line as I have been told that it was becoming obsessive.One good thing to come of it is that my very good friend the postman, now has a quieter time, with far fewer deliveries of strange large parcels and packages !!
I was starting to mistrust my wife with my allowances and pension money.As she explained to me she was not diverting it to buy new shoes and clothing for herself. Anyway none of it would have fitted me !! I am now on a par with Royalty in  that I do not carry any money on my person now!
Each week my wife takes me and a family friend,who  also happens to be an Alzheimer Pilgrim,out for trips in the car. These journeys are tailored to our special needs for distance ,feeding stops and toilet facilities. Which in my case can be a frequent and necessary requirement!! On one of these outings my wife had decided to go somewhere different and necessitated a slightly longer journey.I took exception to this and ruined the day by being moody and expressing my anger by being out of my comfort zone of familiarity.
I find that I have a much shorter attention span and can become restless after 20 to 40 minutes of reading a book or typing on the computer. Even jumping between both activities ,which I now describe as Alzheimer multi tasking! a recipe for disaster in continuity!!

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