Monday 17 June 2013

"Think of me my friends, forget me not"

Over the years I have enjoyed reading poetry but have never really got up the courage to attempt having a go, until now! I humbly submit my first attempt, it is called "Think of me my friends, forget me not". The inspiration was from my wife's garden and her beautiful little blue Myosotis flowers (Forget me not's) seemed appropriate! I hope the Blog followers enjoy it.

"Think of me my friends, forget me not"

Forget me not when I am dead and gone,
having lived my life, loved laughed and won,
with these words the years  flew by,
laugh with me, forget me not,
now with Alzheimer's I will pass by,
having lived, loved laughed and won,
always remember my friends, forget me not.

the final appointment with death one day soon,
my pain and terror thankfully vanquished forever,
forget me not when I am dead and long gone,
demented stigma no longer cast,
having gratefully lived,loved laughed and won,
now at peace with my mortality at long last,
think of me my friends and forget me not.

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